28 Best Inspirational Quotes Of Dr. B.R. AMBEDKAR - Daily Quotes

28 Best Inspirational Quotes Of Dr. B.R. AMBEDKAR

Inspirational Quotes Of Dr. B.R. AMBEDKAR.

1) “Life should be great rather than long.”

dr babasaheb ambedkar inspirational quotes in english

2)Cultivation of the mind should the ultimate aim of human existence.”

dr babasaheb ambedkar inspirational quotes in english

3) “I like the religion that teaches liberty, equality, and fraternity.”

dr babasaheb ambedkar inspirational quotes in english

4) “Religion and slavery are incompatible.”

dr babasaheb ambedkar inspirational quotes in english

5) “The relationship between husband and wife should be one of the closest friends.”

dr babasaheb ambedkar inspirational quotes in english

6) “A great man is different from an eminent one in that he is ready to be the servant of society.”

dr babasaheb ambedkar inspirational quotes in english

7) “I measure the progress of the community by the degree of progress that women have achieved.”

dr babasaheb ambedkar inspirational quotes in english

8) “So long as you do not achieve social liberty, whatever freedom is provided by the law is of no avail to you.”

dr babasaheb ambedkar inspirational quotes in english

9) “The sovereignty of Scripture of all religions must come to an end if we want to have a united integrated modern India.”

dr babasaheb ambedkar inspirational quotes in english

10) “Law and order are the medicine of the body politic and when the body politic gets sick, medicine must be administered.”

dr babasaheb ambedkar inspirational quotes in english

11) “Generally speaking, the smritikars never care to explain the why and the how of their dogmas.”

dr babasaheb ambedkar inspirational quotes in english

12) “Men are mortal. So are ideas. An idea needs propagation as much as a plant needs watering. Otherwise, both will wither and die.”

dr babasaheb ambedkar inspirational quotes in english

13) “Some people think that religion is not essential to society. I do not hold this view. I consider the foundation of religion to be essential to the life and practices of society.”

dr babasaheb ambedkar inspirational quotes in english

14) “For a successful revolution, it is not enough that there is discontent. What is required is a profound and thorough conviction of the justice, necessity, and importance of political and social rights.”

dr babasaheb ambedkar inspirational quotes in english

15) “Democracy is not merely a form of government. It is primarily a mode of associated living, of conjoint communicated experience. It is essentially an attitude of respect and reverence towards fellow men.”

dr babasaheb ambedkar inspirational quotes in english

16) “Religion is from a man not a man for religion.”

dr babasaheb ambedkar inspirational quotes in english

17) “Indifferentism is the worst kind of disease that can affect people.”

dr babasaheb ambedkar inspirational quotes in english

18) “We are Indians Firstly And lastly.”

dr babasaheb ambedkar inspirational quotes in english

19) “Learn to live in this world with self-respect.”

dr babasaheb ambedkar inspirational quotes in english

20) “If I found the Constitution misused, I shall be first to burn It.”

dr babasaheb ambedkar inspirational quotes in english

21) “Neither God Nor soul can Save society.”

dr babasaheb ambedkar inspirational quotes in english

22) “If you believe in living a self respectable life, you believe in self-help which is the best help.”

dr babasaheb ambedkar inspirational quotes in english

23) “The constitution is not a mere lawyer's document, it is a vehicle of life, its spirit is always the spirit of the age.”

dr babasaheb ambedkar inspirational quotes in english

24) “The cast is just a division of labor, it is a division of laborers.”

dr babasaheb ambedkar inspirational quotes in english

25) “History shows that ethics and economics come in conflict, victory always with the economy.”

dr babasaheb ambedkar inspirational quotes in english

26) “Freedom of life is proof of one's existence.”

dr babasaheb ambedkar inspirational quotes in english

27) “There is a difference between merely Living and living worthily.”

dr babasaheb ambedkar inspirational quotes in english

28) “I want all people to be Indians first. Indians last and nothing else but Indians.”

dr babasaheb ambedkar inspirational quotes in english

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